
Sharing the Balanced Good Origin Story
My journey into entrepreneurship was deeply personal and rooted in becoming a mom. My path to motherhood and my experience in parenthood was not easy. I struggled a lot with postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, as well as perinatal OCD – which I didn't even know...

We Are For Good – Parental Leave and Mental Health Week
I met Jon McCoy and Becky Endicott, the hosts of the We Are For Good podcast, at a conference in 2022 and we clicked immediately. Our shared commitment to making the non-profit sector a better place to work has kept us connected. I am so pleased to share this episode...

Welcome to beautiful uncertainty
This week's blogpost is by guest author Chavisa Horemans, MES, CDC, CTRC. Chavisa is a trauma-informed consultant who experience and work focuses on helping individuals overcome gender-based violence and hidden abuse and providing a safe and empowering space to heal...

Back to School Basics
The transition to September and fall always seems to be a big one for working parents. Gone are the days of summer camps, a little lighter schedule, and perhaps “summer Fridays” at work. September means bus drop offs, school schedules, arranging after school care, and...

Balanced Good is proud to be a certified Living Wage Employer
The team at Balanced Good is proud to announce that we’ve been certified as a Living Wage Employer through the Ontario Living Wage Network. While we have always paid a living wage to our employees, it feels important for us to publicly make this commitment as a way of...

Expanding our services to include more non-profit roles
Here at Balanced Good we have been supporting fundraising teams at non-profits and charities through parental leave coverage over the past few years. This is work that we are really good at and love doing. We often have clients ask about other roles at their...

Breathwork and Priority Audits
How identifying priorities and refocusing time and energy helps this mom and her family thrive. Where will you end up if you stop to think about your priorities? Ashlee Livingstone (She/Her/Hers) is a proud wife, mom, and Founder of Our Forte Inc. At Our Forte,...
3 reasons to keep a clean database
...and other insights from a database guru. Often, database health can be an overlooked priority in small non-profits. If you’re looking for solid reasons to devote time to your database - read on! Lisa Mulholland, CFRE (She/Her) is the founder of Mulholland Drive...
Building an equitable and progressive employee handbook
“first and foremost we wanted to ensure the policies we developed were advancing equity in the workplace.”
Value realignment for a 20-year highlight
What happens when your actions don’t match up to your values? How can you tell if you’re living out your values? How do you begin to identify your values? And how can you live your values out in work?
So many questions leading to fantastic gems from the heart of the incredible Kimberley MacKenzie, CPCC, ACC (she/her).
We’ve got your next parental leave covered.
Ready to take your first baby steps with us? Give us a shout!
Always intelligent, always thoughtful and always passionate. Our sector could use more women like her.
John Lepp, Partner, Agents of Good