What does finding balance look like?
I am writing this while on a camping road trip across Northern Ontario with a close friend. Currently, I am staring out the window at the rolling evergreen hills, colourful rocky cliff-faces and lakes around every corner. I am so grateful to have the space and time...
Pushing Boundaries in Our Sector
Have you ever found yourself sitting daydreaming about how you can make fundraising data more equitable and inclusive? If you’re like me, you probably haven’t (but should be). This is why I was so grateful to meet Meena. Meena (She/Her/Hers) is the founder and...
Saving Giving
Talking to Lisa Greer about the weak points in our sector (from the perspective of a donor!) & why we need a Philanthropy Revolution Have you ever had a standout experience with an organization as a donor? And what about a lackluster experience? I know I’ve let...
Top 6 Giving Tuesday Tips
Don't have a lot of time? Feeling overwhelmed? Read these quick tips (less than a 2 minute read!) on making the most of Giving Tuesday and how you can create a clear story and journey for your donors, not just a one-time transactional gift. Want to chat about this...
Top 5 Reasons Why I’m Excited to Join Balanced Good
Alex Tindale shares why she's joined the team at Balanced Good as she delves into work life harmony. 1. Lacey! Do you remember the old fundraising adage people give to people? (I can still hear this in Ken Wyman’s voice from my days at Humber over a decade ago!) Well,...
Feminist Leadership with Chi Nguyen
Have you ever found yourself listening to a podcast or reading a book wanting to shout “YES” because everything that is being said resonates with you? That happened to me a few months ago when I first heard Chi Nguyen (she/her) speak with Cindy Wagman on the Small...
Closing The Leadership Gap — Tackling Tough Conversations with Lindsay Sweeney-Hockin
It’s been a bit since I’ve been able to share a blog post…my conversations with incredible women are still happening, but let’s be honest, like you, I just feel like I have no extra bandwidth. However, I realized that I am still having conversations with remarkable...
Letting Lean In (and Achieve More)
As a strong advocate for work-life balance, creating work boundaries and ensuring women have supportive work environments to help balance the challenges of parenthood, many of you may have wondered how I’ve been fairing during COVID-19 and my thoughts on the...
Supporting Small Shops While Balancing it all: Chatting with Cindy Wagman
Congratulations, you’ve managed another couple of weeks of social distancing, while, I’m sure, still struggling to find balance, have productive workdays, and spend time with your family. Today, I’m very excited to share my conversation with Cindy Wagman, President...
Networking, Working, and Family Life in the time of COVID with Paul Nazareth
You will have to excuse my lack of regularity in these posts, but I’m assuming all of you reading understand that some things must happen when you have time, not when your schedule dictates it. How are you doing in these last few weeks of social distancing, likely...
We’ve got your next parental leave covered.
Ready to take your first baby steps with us? Give us a shout!
Always intelligent, always thoughtful and always passionate. Our sector could use more women like her.
John Lepp, Partner, Agents of Good