I met Amanda Rocheleau at AFP Toronto Congress this past November, and I don’t think she realized how much our brief passing impacted me. Everything she spoke about in her panel discussion resonated with me. I truly believe she has a clear and important message that...
Lacey Kempinski
Balance, Faith-Based Fundraising, and Inspiring our Children
Chatting with Gillian Doucet Campbell, MA, CFRE, Director of Stewardship and Development with the Anglican Diocese of Niagara was such a treat, and I think you will really enjoy reading about balance from her perspective. I’ve had the good fortune of volunteering with...
Research vs. Real Talk: Women, Family Planning, and the Future of our Sector
Lately, I’ve been feeling a little bit blue about our sector: donations are down, there is a leadership crisis, turnover continues to be high, parental leave barriers and I’ve heard of many great fundraisers leaving or thinking about leaving our sector. What is going...
Heather Nelson on Balance, Podcasts, and so much more!
Thank you to all of those who have sent along great feedback (and podcast recommendations) from my last blog post. I’m so excited to share my next interview with you about balance, work-life blend and so much more. Heather Nelson, President and Lead Consultant at...
How Time Flies…What I’ve Figured Out So Far…
Five months. Five months of being an entrepreneur, it’s hard to believe how quickly this time has gone by. It’s also been over a month since my last blog post, so I’m feeling like this is a bit overdue. In five months, I’ve learned a world of knowledge, and have met...
Recruiting Those who “Get It” – Chatting with Deborah Legrove
Alright, I’m starting to feel like I’m getting the hang of this blog this…but would love to hear from you! Is there someone you would like me to feature? Do you have something you want to share about work-life balance (blend/integration)? Maryann’s post really got me...
Chatting with Maryann Kerr — Another perspective and some great book recommendations!
I hoped you enjoyed Megan’s post last week, it certainly made me think – maybe I should have called this company Blended Good, instead of Balanced Good. Too bad I’ve already ordered business cards. It’s so true though, especially as I’ve started navigating this new...
I don’t know how she does it! Chatting with Megan Tregunno
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work in an organization dominated by powerful women leaders? Or imagined what your career would be like if your board of directors had strong women of influence who are also willing to provide you with mentorship...
Finding my balance.
Thank you for finding your way here and taking a minute to read more about my vision: a vision for philanthropy in the future, a vision for community growth, and a vision for women-led leadership. Please make this conversation reciprocal by reaching out to me and...
We’ve got your next parental leave covered.
Ready to take your first baby steps with us? Give us a shout!
Always intelligent, always thoughtful and always passionate. Our sector could use more women like her.
John Lepp, Partner, Agents of Good